29 July, 2017

E esta maravilha?!?!

Lost in paradise!! Vamos testar?'? Folha p aguarela da Guarro. Grão grosso,  350 de gramagem, 50x70 cm.  Ohhhhh Pequena maravilha!!! 
É o delirio!! :-)

26 July, 2017

Abstract watercolour. The start #1

New weekend,new work.... Using da Winsor and Newton medium to help me out on tha making of that new one. Canson 300gms XL A2 Notebook paper and my old Pelikan 24 watercolours box... Here we go....

25 July, 2017

Blue, blue and green T-shirt.

Here it is. Finally concluded.

Blue T-shirt Still available. Email me for info.

My God, such useful painting Tex Javana pens...but in the end,not always that functional!!!!

16 July, 2017

Watercolour MANNIA!!!

Starting a new watercolour painting....  Abstract one!!! My 1st watercolour abstract!!!
It is officially inaugurated my new Van Gogh watercolour box!!!
Depois de lhe mudar a paleta--sim, é levei mais de 10 dias p a mudar!!!--- as "novas' cores estão maravilhosas!!! :-D 

13 July, 2017

10 July, 2017

07 July, 2017